Wet basements can cause serious problems. Mold, rot, and damage all start with water. There are simple ways to keep your Long Island basement dry.

Check Downspouts and Gutters

It sounds simple but honestly, it is important. Waterproofing contractors say broken downspouts and gutters dumping water right next to the foundation is a common problem causing water problems in the Long Island basement. It is a simple fix and can help keep your basement dry. Even if you have a waterproofing system installed in your basement, still don’t overwork your system by letting rainwater runoff puddle up by your foundation. There is no reason to let this happen. Think of your gutter system as your first line of defense of your waterproofing system. Waterproofing is about water diversion.

Yard Drainage

The other common outside issue is yard drainage. If you have puddles of water in your yard it means that your yard is not properly sloped. Oversaturated soil can cause what is called hydrostatic pressure. This water pressure built up in the soil will push against your foundation wall and can cause it to crack and leak. Seepage issues in the basement where water seeps up through the concrete floor is usually caused by hydrostatic pressure. Yard drainage and properly placed exterior French drains can relieve this hydrostatic pressure.

Proper Slope

Along these same lines, you should also control water flow with proper yard sloping. Don’t ever let the ground around your foundation slope toward your foundation. Water flows with gravity. It will always take the path of least resistance. If your ground slopes toward your house or the backfill is settled and has created a slope going toward the foundation wall, then you will have a water problem. Water will build up around the outside of the house and also create a hydrostatic pressure problem. Make sure to build up the soil around your house as it settles over time. The slope should always slope away from your foundation wall.

Professional Waterproofing

If you are controlling the outside water the best you possibly can through proper slope, yard drainage and a gutter/downspout system and you still have a wet basement it is time to consider a waterproofing system. There are two types of basement waterproofing: exterior and interior waterproofing. Exterior keeps the water out by installing drain tiles and waterproofing membranes on the outside of the foundation wall. Contractors excavate the yard and install the system then replace the grade. It can be expensive and intrusive.

Interior Long Island basement waterproofing works from the inside of the basement. They install footing drains, through a trench that acts as a French drain around the inside of your basement floor. Most interior waterproofing systems also install a sump pump to control the ground water underneath the house. The interior system controls the water by collecting it before it gets into the basement and channels out.