Humidity Control and Your Long Island Crawl Space


When it comes to crawl spaces there are two schools of thought: vented or closed. Many homes still have traditional vented crawl spaces. The problem they have found is that as vented crawl spaces let in outside air it is actually creating moisture problems in the basement. The humidity level should be 50% relative humidity even in the […]

How Radon Gas Enters Your Home


Radon gas is a dangerous soil gas. It is naturally occurring but when it enters the house at high volumes it can cause lung cancer in even non-smokers. Radon is formed from decaying uranium and has been found in every state in the U.S. and in every soil type. These pockets of radon can be […]

The Importance of Crawl Space Mold Removal in Long Island


Many homeowners don’t treat the crawlspace as part of the home. They ignore it and don’t worry about water problems until they start affecting the rest of the house. What they don’t understand is the environment in the crawlspace is affecting the house already. One of the biggest problems with the crawlspace environment is when […]

5 Quick Tips About Crawl Space Waterproofing

Crawlspace Waterproofing | Queens, NY | A.M. Shield Waterproofing Corp.

Insects, rodents, mold, musty odors, termites, and wood rot and are all symptoms of a wet crawlspace. These pesky issues can all be prevented with crawl space waterproofing. Here are five tips about crawl space waterproofing: 1.) All basement and crawlspace waterproofing starts with the external perimeter. How are the gutters and downspouts? Are they […]

Crawl Space Waterproofing and Holiday Decorations

It is that time of year again.  You venture downstairs to retrieve the tree and all the trimmings to deck your halls.  The last thing you want is to find them soaked and damaged from basement or crawl space seepage. Many people only use the basement as storage and rarely go downstairs.  The problem with that […]